ناشر نامشخص Dentist on the Ward 2019 ((9th) Edition : An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Medicine For Core Trainees in Dentistry کد کتاب پزشکی :155337 %1 523,900399,000
ناشر Sorejaw Dentist on the Ward 12th Edition: An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Medicine For Core Trainees in Dentistry کد کتاب پزشکی :165715 %10 507,000351,000
ناشر Longman Dentist on the Ward 2019 (9th) Edition: An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Medicine For Core Trainees in Dentistry 9th ed. Edition 2019 دندانپزشک در بخش 2019 ((نهم)): معرفی جراحی دهان و فک و صورت کد کتاب پزشکی :105808 %10 507,000351,000